Wednesday 13 August 2014

My Bucket List

Wow! I'm getting really behind with the Outmumbered Blog Every Day in August challenge!

I've not crossed anything off my bucket list... because I don't have one! I like the idea but there's a couple of things bugging me. How many things do I need on my list? I don't particularly want to go jumping out of a plane or bungee jumping, so is it ok that my list is not really wacky? What happens if I don't achieve everything? Is the list set in stone or can I add to it?

Am I overthinking it a bit? Probably. Here's a couple of things I would like to do at some point in my life...

  • Become a foster parent - it saddens that not all children are as privileged as my girls, especially as some of those children could live right around the corner.
  • Get to my ideal weight - this one is not going to happen any time soon. Not with this cake and custard next to me!
  • Try a yoga class - not a DVD or a Kinect game, a real yoga class with a real instructor and real people.
  • Run the London Marathon - it's one way to get to my ideal weight!
  • Go on a skiing holiday - maybe I should add 'learn to ski' first...
  • Experience the magic of Disneyland with my girls - hopefully for my 30th...
  • Visit New York at Christmas - it just looks amazing!

Love and cuggies,

Alison x

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